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1 day training agenda

SystemVerilog Assertions Language and Methodology Training Agenda

(1 Day Class with 6 LABs)

Course Highlights

  • Each operator/feature is explained in detail using comprehensive examples, timing diagrams and simulation logs.
  • Real life applications are discussed to put it all in perspective.
  • A reference grade handout book is provided to the class. It has comprehensive detail on each page that can serve as excellent reference material for future.
  • Labs are geared to solidify understanding of key concepts using application oriented designs.


Training :: Agenda

Introduction to Assertions

  • What’s an assertion? Why can’t I just use Verilog?
  • Advantages of Assertion Based Verification (ABV) .
  • Assertion Based Verification (ABV) Methodology components


System Verilog Assertions :: Syntax and Semantics (with applications)

Immediate assertions

Concurrent assertions – Basics

  • clocking basics; formal arguments; severity levels; threads
  • Sequence introduction
  • Property introduction (with/without an implication)
  • Vacuous pass?
  • Binding properties.
  • Threading (what are the performance implications?)


Sampled value functions (in property/sequence and procedural)

  • Functions that return Boolean pass/fail: $rose, $fell, $stable
  • Function that return sampled value; $past (with/without gating expr.)


Sequence Operators

  • ##m and ##[m:n] clock delay (SVA allows only fixed delays. So what if you want variable delays?)
  • [* ] and [*m:n] – Consecutive repetition operator
  • [= ] and [=m:n] – Non-consecutive repetition operator
  • [-> ] and [-> m:n] – Goto (non-consecutive) repetition operator
  • Pros/Cons of infinite ($) range
  • ‘throughout’, ‘within’, ‘intersect’, ‘first_match’
  • ‘and’ and ‘or’ of sequences with/without delay range
  • ‘intersect’ vs. ‘and’


Property operators

  • ‘not’ operator; If … else ; ‘disable iff’


System functions

  • $onehot, $onehot0, $isunknown, $countones


Multiple Clocks / Multiply clocked properties and sequences


– Local variables (one of the most powerful features…)

  • Pipelined behavior (multiple threads)


– Detecting and using endpoint of a sequence

  • .ended, .matched, .triggered


‘expect’, ‘assume’ (for formal verification)

Asynchronous Assertions


2012 features:

  • Strong and Weak sequences, ‘followed by’, ‘always’, ‘eventually’, ‘until’, ‘until_with’, ‘nexttime’, ‘case’, inferred clock and disable, ‘accept_on’, ‘reject_on’


‘let’ declaration



LAB 1: Learn how to ‘bind’ property module with design module.

  • Understand vacuous pass and properties with/without implication


LAB 2: Enforces how pipelined threads of a property work.


LAB 3: Synchronous FIFO

  • A synchronous FIFO design is presented. You will write assertions to check for various FIFO fail conditions.
  • FIFO assertions are some of the most useful assertions to write for any design. The assertions developed in this LAB will be directly applicable to your design.


LAB 4: Up/Down Counter

  • A simple UP/DOWN COUNTER design is presented. Counter assertions deployed directly at the source can greatly reduce the time to debug since these assertions will point to the exact cause of a Counter error without the need for extensive back-tracing debug when design fails.


LAB 5: Generic Bus Interface Protocol

  • A simple bus interface is presented. Assertions are written to find bugs on burst mode data and other protocol violations


LAB 6: PCI Read Protocol

  • A simple system with a PCI Master and PCI Target modules designed to do a simple basic PCI Read operation. The LAB shows how to derive and write simple but effective assertions for a PCI type bus.
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